I don't send Christmas cards. Honestly, I haven't been good at it since about 1997. So, I gave up entirely about 7 or 8 years ago…I'm not even sure that my younger son ever even made it onto Christmas card. But hey, you have to figure out your strengths and weaknesses and let go of the things that cause you stress and aren't necessary. The older you get the more you realize these things.
For me, that means not sending Christmas cards {or much of any correspondence if it must be mailed, come to think of it...}, not making my bed or forcing anyone else in the house to either, never wrapping gifts {gift bags and tissue only}, painting my toenails only in the summer {at max that's about 3 times} and letting my kids choose their own outfits, regardless of whether they match or look good or not {unless it's an important event}.
You may or may not agree with my list of unnecessaries, and that's fine. I'm sure you have your own list of unnecessaries. But here's the thing, if you send Christmas cards, we LOVE getting them. Please keep sending them! But if it stresses you out, we totally understand, and we'll understand not getting a card from you too.
So, in lieu of a stamped and mailed Christmas card, here's our family's year-end accounting and well wishes for you and yours during this most glorious seasons of peace and love…
We truly had a blessed year that was full of love and loss and lessons learned. We traveled and explored and laughed and cried and argued.
As always, we found great comfort and had loads of fun with our family and friends spread throughout this amazingly beautiful country.
We felt a sense of wonder and awe as we stood on the most northern shores of Minnesota overlooking the great Lake Superior and when we waded out into the clear Atlantic Ocean off Key Biscayne and when we swam in the gently rippling Gulf of Mexico in Marco Island and when we soaked up the history of our country's capitol and the "Windy City" and Miami and Atlanta. In short, we loved getting to know new cities and the people who inhabit them.
We had good health and added two new babies…both with fur…to our crew, after saying goodbye to three of our elderly and much loved babies early in this year. The boys grew in smarts and height and heart and sass.
We worked. We played. We were grateful for opportunities and friendships and our humble home. We can't complain.
We look forward to the New Year with hope and love and mercy and great faith in our ever abiding Lord.
Merry Christmas to You All, and May You All Have Much Peace and Love in the Coming Year! Over and out…
The Berend Family