What type of person are you? What city should you live in? What kind of animal spirit are you? Are you a true child of the 80's? Which super hero are you? Which queen of comedy are you? Are you right brained or left brained or balanced? What color are you? Which Frozen character are you? Which Hogwarts professor are you? Which House of Cards character are you? Which Disney princess are you? Which Star Wars character are you? What type of sandwich are you? Which state are you really from? Which Friends character are you? How many children should you have? What planet are you? What type of career should you have? What type of emoji are you? What grade are you getting in life?
Wait? What? You…Don't…Know? How can you possibly get through each day?
Well, if you're on Facebook at all, you know what I'm talking about. These quizzes have been making their rounds on the social media circuit as of late. The website buzzfeed is behind these personality quizzes that tell us something or nothing or everything about ourselves.
But why are we intrigued by them? Why do we keep sharing them and posting our results?
Well, I'm no psychologist, and I don't know how the answers are configured, but I'm certain these quizzes will not answer any deep, dark questions of life or offer an answer about which path to take. And I doubt anyone is taking these quizzes too seriously. I've taken some of these quizzes just for the fun of it; often the explanation makes sense and affirms something about me; sometimes it's just funny or completely off, but why do we feel inclined to keep clicking on them?
My theory: We like to answer things about ourselves and get our "fortunes" at the end. We like for things to be about us. We like to have affirmations of our strengths and dreams and attitudes. It's the same reason we always read our horoscopes at the end of magazine or in the newspaper; we like to know about ourselves and get a glimpse of the future and maybe, just maybe some of it might be true.
For the record: I'm a boss; I should live in Monaco; I'm an Eagle (I think); I am a true child of the 80's; I am Captain Planet; I am Maya Rudolph; I use both sides of my brain equally; I am yellow; I am Elsa (hmmm, not Anna, after all); I am Professor Snape. I am Remy; I am Princess Aurora; I am Yoda; it turns out I'm a soggy veggie wrap; I'm really from Texas (go figure); I am Monica; apparently I should have 3 children (NOT A CHANCE). Oh, and I made up the one about the planet, but it turns out there is such a quiz, and I am Earth- how about that? I'm a humanitarian and should be a judge. I'm a sarcastic side-eye. I'm getting an A- in life.
Maybe my theory is wrong, but does it really matter? These quizzes are mini time wasters that give us a laugh or affirm our attributes. There's no harm done. Enjoy.
One note: oddly enough, I should have married a pizza. Who knew?
I should also note that Ellen DeGeneres took the Queen of Comedy Quiz, one end result is Ellen, herself, but instead Ellen got Chelsea Handler. And when Ellen had Chelsea on the show and Chelsea took this quiz she got Tina Fey. So, you be the judge of the accuracy. Over and out…