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Wednesday, August 14, 2013


Martin Luther King, Jr. made similar claims when he argued, "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." Victimization is real, but we have control over how we respond to it. We can sit idle, or take action. We live in an age of hyperindividualism, and the driving ethos for so many seems to be "I got mine, so screw you." Not only does that line of thought run directly counter to most organized spirituality (including, notably, Christianity, which most Americans claim to believe), it also enables a solipsism that robs individuals of basic empathy and compassion. When that slips away, humanity becomes little more than the love child of Hobbes and Nietzsche—a feral abomination.

When we see injustice, we have a moral obligation to stand up and call it injustice, and then work to rectify it. When we feel victimized, we have an obligation not only to self, but to others, to resist the cause of the victimization and act to prevent it from happening to others.

One more thing: it's always worthwhile to note WHO complacency serves. Who tells us to succumb to inertia rather than seek change? Who tells us to remain still when we could be active? Who tells us to look away while others are robbed of their dignity? Identifying the stakeholders in complacency, and illuminating the interest (usually monetary) that they have in it, is perhaps the most necessary ingredient for any of us to truly awaken from our cocooned slumber.

Good column!

Indeed! Thank you, Casey! Love ya!

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