An Aside, not to be mistaken as a monologue or soliloquy, is a dramatic device in which a character speaks to the audience. An aside is usually a brief comment, rather than a speech. A character may be mistaken in an aside, but cannot be dishonest.
These three asides I wrote because the words spilled out from my head and through my fingertips, but there was only this; nothing more, not a monologue, not a lesson, not a revelation, only a few thoughts. So, I strung them together into a series of thoughts in one post.
Perhaps, you will relate to one or more of them. And perhaps not. But these are my brief and honest reflections.
Plan B {Making a Break for It}
And then there are days that I consider gathering of a few belongings, putting them into a small bag, running out the door, keys in hand, backing out of the driveway and never looking back.
Of course, this image is fleeting, but there have been a number of these moments lately.
I don't know if it's the end of school, change of weather, my busy work schedule or all of the above or none of the above, but my kiddos have been pushing me to the brink; the crying, whining, over-the-top drama, sassy tongues, striking out at each other or at the pets or at me or Will; the stubbornness; the complaining.
I have been wondering what has become of my sweet kids; I think they are still there somewhere; I catch glimpses of them beneath the rebellious façade when they sneak a kiss or chance an "I love you, Mom."
But then, in an instant they are gone again with a whine or shriek or roll of the eyes.
We are being tested by these little hellions, and we are still standing firm for the most part. But I'm wondering, "Are we getting a passing grade, God?"
Of course, this plan would never actually work because a) I never pack light b) It would take me too long to leave a list of instructions and information for whomever was left with my boys and c) the little hellions would be hanging on me, pulling me back in, before I could get out the door.
Lost Connections {On Friends}
Somewhere over the last few years of rough times and pulling everything in close and withdrawing inside myself, I lost friends and circles and groups. I don't blame those whom I used to see and email and meet up with and talk to.
Life changes; moods change, situations change, schedules change; that's just the way it goes, right?
Well, I miss them. I miss chats and meals and coffee and emails and play dates at parks and tweetups and meetups. I miss feeling connected. I miss the support system; the togetherness. I miss the discussions and the bonds. I miss getting out away from my home and kids and work.
Excelsior {Ever Upward}
I just watched Silver Linings Playbook the other night. I love the characters, flaws and all, and the story and message.
The only thing I knew about Excelsior was that it's the name of charming little town on the shores of Lake Minnetonka, here in the Twin Cities.
I looked it up. It's a Latin word meaning ever upward. And as I now know it's also the New York state motto.
I like it. I might just adopt it as my own personal motto. I am always forging ahead, one step at a time.
This one word motto is a good reminder to continue going ever upward, especially when those black clouds move in and unseen ghosts clasp on and pull down.
So, with determined battle cry, EXCELSIOR, it is!
Over and out...