Last November, we lost our dear, sweet, giant St. Bernard, Ben. In June, we lost our 17 year old black cat, Jazz, who was my guy. While we still mourn the deaths of these incredible pets, I decided we needed another little black kitten in our home again {and eventually we'll get another loving puppy}.
We quickly found a few on, but when I saw this guy I knew it was right. After having cats for almost 38 years, I can look into those shiny green or amber eyes and know...something I had a hard time convincing my husband of, but it's true.
Years ago, while in college, Will and I started with cats, graduated to dogs and eventually added the boys. So, our children have always been surrounded by older, many of them nurturing, pets. It was with great excitement that we added a tiny Jazzy cat look-alike late this summer.
It took the boys a bit to adjust to this teeny, playful, cuddly kitten, and Darling 2 was even a tad jealous of the new baby in the house. All is well now, and we all love our kitten, Teddy.
Our household needed some new energy; some joy; and we got it when we added this kitten. Here are 5 things you should know about kittens;
There is nothing more joyous, more enthusiastic, more curious than a little kitten when playing, exploring; figuring things out;
Kittens don't know they are tiny; they think that when they puff and arch and march sideways they are intimidating and tough and the size of at least a small lion;
Kittens don't give up; even when rejected by older, grumpier cats, or when their plots and plans are foiled to attack something or open something or reach something, they just keep coming back and trying again;
Kittens really know how to enjoy a nap; and
Kittens freely give and receive love and attention.
We could all learn something from watching kittens. Life is actually pretty simple; we just tend to complicate matters and get tangled up in our messes. Over and out...
All cats are not alike! We obviously have very different experiences with cats! We need a little Teddy around here...
Posted by: Heidi | Thursday, October 04, 2012 at 09:56 AM
No, all cats are not alike, but most kittens are. : )
Posted by: Anna | Monday, October 08, 2012 at 05:33 PM