This is what I thought my life would look like. Seriously. It may sound naïve and silly and immature, but this house is an actual house in the town where Will and I went to college; where we met and fell in love; where we spun sugary strands of silken dreams of how our lives would go and what we do and where we would live, and the kids we would have and the trips we would take.
And this is what I thought it would look like....perfect, cozy, neat and precise; a comfortable life with lots of sure things and laughter and dinner parties and fun and very little not-sure-what-our-next-move-is-in-this-game-of-Life; Real Life, that is. you all know, there are no sure things in life.
No, our life has been bumpy and gravelly with good times, bad times and in-between times, but a home like that has never been in sight; not yet, at least.
I was reminded by my silly, inexperienced projection of "our beautiful life together" when I was in that town visiting my in-laws recently. I absent-mindedly passed by that house and it caught my attention. Suddenly, those ideas came flooding back to me.
It would have been a beautiful life; the life I had imagined for us. Yes, indeed.
There are days I think, "Ah, this is the life I wouldn't change a thing about this moment" and then there are other times that I yearn for a more picturesque life of more of this and less of that, if even for just a short while.
I'm not complaining though; only reviewing, reminiscing and re-thinking.
We each take different roads; each leading to different places; some are long and winding and lovely, but really only take you in one big loop, never truly getting anyway; some are short and sweet, but the scenery never changes; and others are hilly, then flat, then curving, up and down, high above the coastline, then through the mountains, with a short stretch of desert, then through lush valleys, across great blue lakes, always continuing, always an adventure, with new lessons to be learned at every turn and dead end.
The latter is the road we have taken. Where it ultimately leads, we won't know til the bitter {or sweet} end. So, we may never call a "perfect" storybook house like this one home, but we will have truly played the game of Life and taken chances along the way. Over and out...