6 is just a silly looking number...I wish I was already 7... it has straight lines
I don't want to know everything already....I want to still be learning
Nothing happens to 6 year-olds....6 is boring
Nonetheless, 6 years ago, we welcomed into the world our Amazing, Frustrating, Silly, Acute, Thoughtful, Boy; AKA Darling 1. And with his birth, we created a family.
Nothing my boy does surprises me, yet at the same time I am forever blown away by everything he does.
It's rarely easy to be this kid's mom, but it's always an honor.
Today, I'll be feeling nostalgic trying to figure out how on earth 6 years have passed since the day I became a mom. Over and out...
*Six ain't too shabby so far. As the photo shows, my Darling had his first slumber party sleepover on the floor with his cousin in AR; talked to the wee hours, set traps at the door in case in ghosts show up & slept with a giant foam ax and their favorite stuffed animals!
It is indeed a day to celebrate! What a gift he is to his family! Wish I could give him a birthday hug!!
Posted by: Terry | Wednesday, July 11, 2012 at 10:48 AM
6 is the brst! I have really enjoed the first six months of MY 6YO.
Posted by: Suzanne | Wednesday, July 11, 2012 at 11:50 PM
Me too - my baby was six in January and I felt the same. How did we get HERE???
Posted by: mommylisa (@mommylisa) | Tuesday, July 17, 2012 at 02:53 PM