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Tuesday, April 24, 2012


My mother is a very religious woman and she would beat us with whatever was handy...wooden spoon, hairbrush, switch, belt..and all it did was make us resent her. None of us have a good relationship with her, and it deteriorated when we were early teens when she declared we were "too big to beat" and essentially grounded us until we were 18. No dating, no friends, no phones, no nothing. None of us trusted her enough to speak to her about drugs, sex, alcohol, so when we DID leave and went to college at 18, we went NUTS and didn't have any adult we could trust to discuss these important social issues with. You CAN'T raise a child through fear and intimidation, with no discussion of real-world issues, and expect them to turn into responsible adults overnight at 18.
Now that I'm a parent, I'm no lenient...I still roll my eyes at my friends who go "talk" to their toddlers having a melt-down. We do spank, but we spank with our HANDS, not objects, and it's after we've made it clear that the line is about to be crossed. I don't think having a completely hands-off approach is necessary, but if you reserve it for serious offenses (or dangerous), then it makes the kids pay attention...if you are constantly hitting them, they stop paying attention to what it's for and just start living in fear. I don't like to spank in public, either, and I remember one time my son was running down a sidewalk, looking back at us and veering towards the street. We had told him twice to stop running ahead and then he got within inches of hitting that curb and thus falling into the busy street, so I did yank him up and spank his butt. I think he instantly realized I was just as, if not more, scared than he was, and he rode on my hip the rest of the way to the car.
It all comes down to having good judgment. As a parent, you have to know when is an appropriate time to spank, and you have to be FAIR to the kids. Did they know the "rule" they broke? If not, you can't legitimately spank them...not fair. So many parents overlook good communication with kids...communicate first, warn second, time-out third, spank last unless it's a physically dangerous act. Those are just our guidelines and our kids are pretty well-behaved in all situations.

Good points, Melissa! Thanks for your thoughts on this subject.

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