Motherly Law turns two on Thursday, March 1, 2012. As with everything in my life, I find myself asking "Where has the time gone?" Here I am approaching Motherly Law's toddler years. Having made it through the long, sleepless nights of infancy, I've been leaving ML to its own devices more often. ML continues to develop, reaching various milestones and shaping its personality; ML has come into its own bit by bit.
As any parent knows, at the age of 2 things are just starting to get interesting. So, this year should be one to watch!
I'll be writing more about what Motherly Law has meant to me on Thursday, but I thought I'd compile a list of favorite posts from the past year and poignant moments from the past two years as the Founder and Author of Motherly Law.
Being a panelist at the Distracted Driving Forum in conjunction with U.S. Department of Transportation and Consumer's Union in New York in March 2011;
When people tell me they have stopped using their phones while driving because of my posts on Distracted Driving;
Writing through my emotions in Mourning a Loss: Processing Divorce. And I'm happy to say I've now made it to Acceptance, and there is a new normal in our family;
Being featured in the Star Tribune in November 2010.
Let the Words Out: Writing from the Heart & Finding Your Voice That's all anyone can do. And I think we all have a story to tell;
When people tell me they've been reading ML for a while; people I didn't know were reading; people I don't know; it give me purpose in continuing to write Motherly Law.
When my boys talk about writing as a career and refer to mommy as a writer.
Doubling my number of pageviews from year 1 to year 2. I must be doing something right.
Realizing that I don't need millions and millions of comments or reads to make a difference. If only 1 person says, "Aha!" or "I thought I was alone in this, but I'm not!" or feels inspired or informed or is touched by something I have written that's enough.
The fact that posts I wrote almost 2 years ago still get read weekly, if not daily.
You will notice the posts I love the most have come straight from my heart. It's cathartic for me to write the words on my heart. I still love the law and feel that parents need to be "In the Know" when it comes to consumer safety issues, legal issues and parenting issues. I'll keep writing. And I hope you will keep reading. Over and out...
You have come a long way in the last 2 years. From no texting or Facebook to all of the above and a blog or two. :) I am so proud of you! Congratulations on two great years and here's to many more to come!
Posted by: Julie H | Tuesday, February 28, 2012 at 08:24 AM