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Monday, January 09, 2012


If you put a mouse in a sealed can of anything, it will drown whether it's fruit juice, water of Mountain Dew. : ) And inevitably, it will also decay. Isolated incidences do not make good laws. It is simply not enough to project a trend, whether it's snorting nitrous oxide or drinking Mountain Dew. Idiots will be idiots and all the laws in the world won't protect them.

Lori, good points, but maybe I wasn't clear in my points. I was merely reporting about these two new stories; one a crime {DUI} and other a civil lawsuit.

I don't think there is a need for any special laws regarding these types of issues, other than the consumer protection regs and the criminal laws in place already.

Thanks for reading and weighing in! Anna

I'm not saying that I don't believe the Mountain Dew story, but even if it did happen it would be very hard to prove. Makes you wonder what would be the best course of action, hold on to the evidence?

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