Who hasn't grabbed a handful of Conversation Hearts and enjoyed reading each little stamped-on saying before popping the sugary candy into his or her mouth? I dare say not many. And yet, the taste is not for everyone; these little candies are loved by some and passed over by others. But even still, it wouldn't be Valentine's Day without them. I think that's something we can all agree on.
The Sweetheart Conversation Heart's are made by NECCO {New England Confectionary Co.} They have been producing them since 1866! Talk about tradition. I, for one, had no idea that these brightly colored sassy and sweet hearts had been around that long.
And they really haven't changed much in all those years. Conversation Hearts are about the only thing that the childhoods of a great-grandparent and his or her great-grandchildren have in common.
These candies are made of "90% sugar, a dash of corn syrup, gelatin, gums, and artificial colors and flavorings," according to the NECCO site. For a short time, the hearts were made with natural colors and flavors, but the taste and consistency were changed and sales dropped dramatically. So, they announced in October of 2011 that they would go back to artificial colors and flavors.
These petite hearts are made from late February to early January, producing 100,000 pounds of candy each day. That adds up to 8 billion little stamped candies, which are sold out in just 6 weeks of the year. Pretty amazing, isn't it? A true American icon.
In the early 1990s, NECCO began adding new sayings to the hearts. So, I thought it would be fun to come up with a list of conversation heart sayings that apply to Twitter and Facebook. Here's what I came up with {and a few from DH}.
I like UR Status
B My Tweetie Bird
Wanna DM?
<3 U!
RU on Twitter?
Tweet Me
Wanna MeetNTweet?
Can I be on UR Timeline?
Poke Me {Per my DH; in his defense it is a FB feature}
Like Me!
I Follow Back
What are your favorite sayings? Got any good ones for #SM {social media, that is}. Over and out...
Actually I checked the ingredient list on the new flavors of sweethearts. They contain artificial and natural flavors and artificial colors so they are not any healthier than the original flavors that taste 100 times better. The new flavors smell and taste like toxic chemicals with flavors that are overwhelmingly too strong, have a horrible aftertaste and don't go together at all. I hope NECCO will bring back the original flavors!!! The new flavors are awful!!!
Posted by: tina8525 | Thursday, February 16, 2012 at 12:50 AM