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Friday, January 13, 2012


"It can be hard to forgive yourself for losing your cool and snapping something petty and mean or having to check out for a few hours while your kids sit with eyes glued to episode after episode of Phineas & Ferb."

In my view, it's not hard at all. By whose code are we obligated to sacrifice the prime of our own lives to dote on every "According to Hoyle" parenting tactic (not coincidentally promoted by those who stand to make a buck on our compliance, I might add)? Children are there to enrich our lives, not REPLACE them, and I think this basic fact has gotten lost in our child-centric society. Anytime you want to move something forward, a strategic "it's for the children!" whine will get it done, and while there are moments where that may well be a legitimate motivation for an equally legitimate cause, those conditions do NOT always obtain.

I will never be a perfect parent if being a perfect parent means I lay aside everything I wanted for myself to ensure that my children do not drink hormone-laden skim milk or avoid HFCS and unfiltered water for the balance of their days. People tend to forget that "childhood" as a coherent idea has only recently emerged—it's a product of the 1920s. Before that they were known as "field hands" or "factory labor." The shift has been a salutary one, to be sure, but we may well be witnessing the pendulum swinging too far in the other direction.

So flame on, you deluded souls who fancy yourself ideal parents...flame on!

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