"I don't like what you're doing, and I would like you to stop!"
That's what my Kindergartener came home telling us about what to say to a bully. More than likely that won't stop a bully, but it's a good place to start.
Bullying is about isolation, domination and soul crushing. A bully bullies because he or she has low self-esteem, hopes to gain popularity among his or her peers, is looking for attention, is acting out based on what is happening at home or simply because he or she can.
Sometimes the bully just needs love, understanding, attention and reassurances. This doesn't make the bullying right, but it does provide answers for the why. Sometimes the bully needs discipline, correction and guidance; and sometimes the bully is just flat out mean.
How to prevent and stop cyberbullying is the question. And, of course, in each situation the answer will be different. Regardless, here are a few sites with good information for educating yourself and your kids about cyberbullying:
National Crime Prevention Council
And that's all folks because I have to get up at the crack of dawn {for me} and help chaperone Darling 1's Kindergarten's first field trip. We're headed to the zoo to study living creatures. So, no late, late writing sessions for me tonight. Ahem... tomorrow is my birthday, and you won't want to miss that post! Over and out...