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Thursday, October 20, 2011


Indisputable evidence that women remain second-class citizens in the eyes of the law. Not that women are the only victims of domestic violence, but they certainly comprise the preponderance of the victims. "Women's problems" are regrettably all too often not understood to be everyone's problems. The struggle continues.

I've worked as a therapist at a large mental health facility in Kansas. As a young intern, the histories of our clients were a shock to me. I was going to what I thought was another conservative, but progressive Midwestern state. I had to learn about my own values, and staying objective while working with severely depressed & suicidal women in a residential facility; many of whom had very long, complex survivor histories to deal with in therapy. These women had not only personally been victims of domestic violence, but as witnesses of it against their mothers, aunts, sisters and others. It seemed accepted as common practice by many in their communities. The rage and anger that pervaded breakthrough moments in the safety of the therapy setting would make those in Topeka shudder and rethink that budget cutting measure. To send that kind of message to single this crime out to save money is not only ridiculous, it's dangerous. Former Kansas Governor Sibelius is now in a Cabinet position as Secretary of Health and Welfare to set this right. I hope she uses her influence to be pro-active about justice. Amen.

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