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Friday, September 09, 2011


I had never heard this term, and I appreciate the soapbox! I feel the SAME way! I don't let the kids play in the front yard alone (or back, since we live on the beach)...but I also arranged their clothing in low drawers and hangers so they can dress themselves, and they do quite a job of it sometimes. :) I also never leave them in the car because when I was about 9, my friends's parents left her and me in the car and it started getting hot, so we tried to turn on the A/C and ended up hitting the gear shift on the steering column (they left the car running!). The car was put in reverse and flew down the steep driveway backwards and crashed into a brick mailbox/wall at the bottom. We weren't seriously hurt, but majorly scared. All around, not a good idea!

I couldn't agree with you more! I would put myself somewhere in between the Free-Range Parenting and Helicopter Parenting also. I like to let my child have some freedom and make her own decisions, but I would never let her choose anything that could be unsafe or harmful to her.

Completely agrees with you, and I hate the term free-range parenting. What? We're supposed to treat our kids like farm animals now?

Free-range parenting is not only a bad choice, it's plain wrong. Kids are relying on their parents for guidance and their sense of self and right & wrong. It's Ok to let them differentiate in small ways, but seriously. It must be all the "free-range" parents whose kids I end up looking after on the playground, at social events and in the grocery store because their real parents aren't paying attention. Argh.

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