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Monday, September 12, 2011


Comments are nice, aren't they? I was pulled away by the kids before I could form a comment. Plus the content was a little on the sad side but of course necessary. We had a story here in North Carolina about a 9 day old who was attacked by 3 dogs in the house while the parents were just in the front yard. I don't know if it was the same as the story you mentioned. But I too have several dogs in the house with no issues. We did the same things you did by bringing items in that smelled familiar. Now we have 3 dogs (we have had 5 before) but I always remind the children and everyone else that they are still dogs no matter how sweet they were 5 minutes ago. Our largest is 90 lbs and a giant teddy bear. I have looked into the SB's but really am hooked on our Bernese Mountain Dog. I don't think I will ever embrace cats but glad they have a happy home with you.

Well Anna, from your other commentor, I think you and your readers prefer dogs from the Swiss Mountains! I had a great Bernese also, but only after trying to decide between a Great Bernese and a Saint Bernard. They are incredible with children but you are very correct that it is always wise to use caution. Great article!

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