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Monday, August 22, 2011


Oh wow! That was scary and glad DH was there to rescue quickly!

I'm sorry to hear about your scary experience! We rented a bouncy house this weekend for our son's birthday party, as such, I feel compelled to comment. While I know that these scary situations can and do arise, I believe that with proper adult supervision and installation of the house itself a fun time can be had by all. We were given detailed instructions by the rental company and followed them to at T, including not plugging anything else into the outlet that was being used to keep the house inflated. We did not let any children in the house without at least one adult standing at the door to police that activity. There are countless activities that 'could' be dangerous without proper supervision, I for one don't feel the need to boycott or even limit my kids participation in these fun activities as long as the proper precautions are taken. The kids (and adults) had so much fun this weekend in the bouncy house... we are already planning the next time we can rent one!

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