Some of my more important, more informative, more potentially useful posts are not my highest read posts. Nope. It's my more sensational, more emotional, more totally raw, open hearted posts that break the bar, smash the records and hit the mark.
I'm struggling with this a bit. On the one hand, I'm always thrilled with astronomical pageviews. That means you like me, and more importantly, you like my writing. And hey, does it matter? I wrote it. It's from the heart. That's all that should matter.
On the other hand, I began writing Motherly Law in order to bring together legal information and resources about issues that do or could affect families; things that we, as parents, should know or teach to our kiddos or stick in our brains for some later date. I wanted to convey the law in a way that was less intimidating; more easily digestible; more appealing and interesting.
As I have written post after post, totaling almost 400 posts in 18 months, I've found my voice. I no longer tip-toe around potentially explosive topics {well, there are still a few I tactfully step around}. I express my opinions more freely. I write what I feel. I write what I think. I write what I love. I write what I loathe. I write what I fear. I write what I dream.
I think that's OK. After all, Motherly Law is all mine. It can be who I am as a whole. It's motherly, lawyerly and womanly all at the same time. And yet, when well-meaning and thoughtful people tell me that Motherly Advice is their favorite part of each week, I can't help but feel a little let down.
The Motherly Advice posts are full of heart and soul {my own}. I love them too. But, it's the law and resource related posts that take most of my time and draw on my legal expertise and research skills. It's what sets my site apart from others.
So, this is me, being honest and raw. And truthfully, I'm so very thankful for my very loyal readers and the huge number of people who stumble upon Motherly Law each day by way of search engine queries {and hopefully like what they find and come back again for more}. And I guess what that means is that as long as you know Motherly Law is here full of information, resources and reassurance, then you know you can find the information you need when you need it. And that's enough.
Sometimes I can gauge the response a post will have, but sometimes I'm thoroughly surprised by the attention or the lack thereof. There are some posts I know will be well liked the minute I post them; and others aren't loved to begin with, but will become search engine darlings in the long run. Some posts I love every word of from the first line; stories that come spilling out of my brain totally spun, no need for improvement. Some posts are fruits of great labor; the words don't come easily; my thoughts jumbled together mumbling and bumbling around in my head trying to blend and combine into a sweet melody.
And that, folks, is what this is writing thing is all about; trial and error. Very soon I'll be launching a new website, in addition to Motherly Law. This new endeavor will have nothing to do with the law, but it is something that's dear to my heart and a combination of passions. Stay tuned for that.
Oh, and don't forget to tune in tomorrow morning for my first "Coffee with Anna" Week in Review vlog. And one more thing, the photo is me, in the raw. {Just look at the gray hair! Oh well, it happens} Over and out...
I can't help but be excited for whatever it is you are talking about. I'm very confused. Is it just me or everyone else? I guess I'll just have to wait and see!
Posted by: Heidi | Thursday, August 11, 2011 at 10:13 PM