You might not realize this, but I don't get paid a penny to write Motherly Law. Nope, I don't get any money; nada; zip; nothing; zero; nil; zilch. {Aside: Why do all the words for $0 start with "z" or "n"? Interesting...} It has not been all for naught though. I have gained much writing and social media experience, become more introspective and met many grand folks I would have never met otherwise, but these things don't pay the bills. In the last several years, the legal research, writing and editing work that does pay the bills has been shrinking and more uncertain due to the shaky economy.
Since becoming a "prolific online writer" over the past 18 months, I have begun doing some freelance writing, and I'm on the prowl for more. So, this is my online want ad for freelance writing, research and/or speaking work.
Please share, forward, pass along, mention, tweet, discuss or take other action if you have any interest, contacts, work, thoughts, information, tips or other ideas:
Hire Anna.
She's Genuine; She's Passionate; She's Witty; She's Funny; and She Always Has a Lot to Say
Freelance Writing & Speaking
I'm a licensed attorney and kid-tested and sometimes approved parent with a passion for writing. I've spent the last 13 years in legal positions researching, writing and editing myriad issues. I have a Bachelors Degree in English and Political Science and a Juris Doctor from the University of Oklahoma.
I launched Motherly Law in March of 2010 with the goal of informing, educating and sometimes entertaining parents regarding relevant legal issues that affect families, as well as general parenting topics from the perspective of "someone in the trenches." I post daily with a weekly topic series.
In the past 17 months my readership has quadrupled. My search engine queries now account for over 40 % of my daily traffic. I have readers in every state and over 100 countries. In general, I stick to legal and parenting concerns on Motherly Law, but I can efficiently and effectively write on a number of topics.
I am available on a freelance basis and offer a variety of services:
Legal Research with Written Summary
Blog Writing
Article Writing
Conference/Event Panelist/Speaker Re: Legal & Social Media Issues
Writing Accomplishments and Recognitions
Featured on Legal Current, a Thomson Reuters blog, March 2010
Featured on Minn Post's Blog Cabin Numerous Times
Featured on BlogHer Home Page Numerous Times
Featured on Minnesota News Fall 2010
Featured on Twin Cities Spark, August 2010
Featured in Star Tribune article, November 7, 2010
Social Media Breakfast MSP, Social Media & the Law, Panelist, March 18, 2011, Eagan, MN
Consumer Reports and U.S. Dept. of Transportation, Distracted Driving Forum, Panelist, March 7, 2011, Yonkers, NY
Freelance Articles for CBS Local/WCCO
Please contact me to talk about your freelance researching or writing needs. I look forward to hearing from you: [email protected]; @MotherlyLaw {Twitter} & Motherly Law {Facebook} & Anna Berend {LinkedIn}
Anna Berend