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Thursday, June 16, 2011


After almost 14 years of marriage I agree with what you've said here. We've had some pretty rough times and a lot of very happy ones. With young kids, life just gets crazier by the day. It's hard to find time to focus on each other. It's something we just have fo do. I think the biggest key is communication, even when it hurts. We also don't use the Big D in reference to our marriage. We dont joke about it. It's not an option. I think even in jest there can be seeds planted that help poison a relationship. We are in it for the long haul, no matter what. I know that doesn't work for everyone and some marriages may be better parting ways. We both come from a pretty long line of the big D and that's just what works for us.

The picture is great.I also have known couples who have gotten a divorce. I know it's hard,es. for the kids,but staying together for the kids is not good,either.I hope the couple you know will make the right decision.I hate that more and more people don't stay together any more.

I think a lot of longer marriages fail because a mutual respect the couple once had, is gone. It's important to show your love and respect to your spouse and that's what works for us.
I love the picture of you and DH!

I think marriage is tons of work, like you said. It's also about commitment to the types of values you listed like communication, honesty, and working together even when you don't feel like it.

The main misconception about marriage is that it's about feelings e.g. "I don't feel like I'm in love with him/her anymore." Anyone who has been married awhile knows that loving, goo-goo, ga-ga feelings are not always there. The feelings follow the constant execution of those values like communication and honesty, and when both partners show some self-restraint (like choosing not to have an affair).

A marriage is truly broken when one partner is either harming the other person or him/herself, and refuses to do anything to change it.

My sister's friend had a husband that wanted his wife to be OK with him having a girlfriend. He even asked her if he could take their furniture to the new girlfriend's apartment! Obviously, he broke the commitment to his wife, didn't care to fix it and expected her to put up with it. In situations like these, I think it's time to call it quits.

From Chuck Swindoll's radio program:
The 12 most important words in a marriage:
I am wrong.
I am sorry.
Please forgive me.
I love you.

Excellent comments Anna. And 13 years is a lot, by societal standards these days, and that's kind of sad when you think about it. We'll celebrate 9 this August, and I nod my head at all you wrote above.

Thanks, Kate! Marriage is certainly not easy, but we just keep trudging along, giving it our all. Congrats you all on 9 years! Thanks for reading!


Thanks, PB! Good advice for sure. I had not heard that before, but I like it & agree!



Thanks for your comment. I agree. It's about commitment. Sometimes one loses interest in trying to make it work and isn't committed anymore. And that makes it awfully hard for the committed one to do anything more!

Thanks for reading!


Thanks for your comment, Heidi. Words to live by for sure, respect is very important. Re: the photo, I snapped that photo myself, and if you look carefully, Abby's head is in the background.

Thanks, Anna

Thanks, Sally! The couple referenced filed for divorce the week I wrote this post. Ironically the nonfiler was served on the morning this post went live. I found out later that day, but I think they made the right decision for their family even though it makes me very sad.


I like your advices Anna. There are moments when you'll go through really tough times. But that doesn't mean you should give up on your partner. Unless you have already given your best shot, then it's time to let go.

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