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Thursday, March 31, 2011


Stopping by from the Ultimate Blog Party to say hello.
Have a great day!

Hello! Just visiting blogs from the Ultimate Blog Party. I love your blog. Lots of good info!

Hello! I am stopping by from the Ultimate Blog Party. It sounds like you are in Minnesota, me too! I am not an attorney, but am fascinated by law...particularly Family Law and Constitutional Law. I look forward to reading your posts! Have a great day!

Yes, I am in Minnesota! Thanks for stopping by. I'll have to stop by your site soon!

Thanks & Have a fabulous weekend!



Thanks for stopping by! Glad you like the site, I'll have to check your site.

Thanks & Enjoy your weekend!


Thanks for stopping by Posh!

Anna - This is such a cute post. Yay!
This is my first #UBP11. What a fantastic event - and nope, I will not miss another one. Looking forward to learning more about your blog (& you)!

Hi! I'm Rachel! I'm dropping in from www.upperbottom.com. Found your site through UBP and I'm loving it! AND THANKS FOR THE COOKIES : )

I've been blogging since 2007. Hope to see you over at UpperBottom and at the twitter party (@upperbottom, just look for the white dog art- that's me).

Cheeers and happy Saturday!

Stopping by from the UBP! I think there's absolutely nothing wrong with the cookies; I appreciate the gesture!

I'm interested in this book you mention; I am constantly striving for perfection and really, it's ridiculous. I "know" this, but I don't apply it. I'll be checking the book out.

Have a great weekend!

Hello! Love your blog. Find me at www.way2goodlife.com
P.S. Also if you can find a minute and vote for me as elenka29 here http://www.mamavation.com/2011/03/vote-for-mamavation-mom-3.html
(it's a competition to get into fitness bootcamp. There is no registration - just click and submit). Looking forward to reading more of your posts

I’m here through UBP. Can't wait to check out your blog a little more!

Hello from the party!

We LOVE your blog! we are Thrilled to say we are your newest followers and {blog} friends! my sister and I just created a blog and would LOVE for you to come take a peek and let us know what you think. Don't forget to follow us and become our newest {blog} friends as well;)
mitchandroz.blogspot.com (family blog)

Loving this party. I have am trying to read as many blogs as I can. I have already found some jewels.
I would love to read every single one...Everyone has a story.
Hope you will stop by...I have some extra giveaways that require nothing but a comment...


Blog hopping tonight with UBP11 while my husband is out of town. Nice to meet you! I think I may have to read that 'Good Enough....' book. Sounds like my kind of reading! Feel free to stop by my place at http://clevermasquerade.blogspot.com/

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