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Thursday, March 24, 2011


This was good, I enjoyed it! You have covered a lot in 13 months!

Pretty amazing "life" ML has had thus far. Enjoy your writing so much, Anna.

Glad you are getting some much-needed rest. And sleep a few extra winks for me today, I need it ;) March has been a crazy one around here, too. But it's all good!

There is definitely a reason "they" call it the Ides of March, no? Hope there is light in your tunnel, dear friend. Will be missing you especially next weekend ;)


Thanks for the support. It looks to be a long tunnel, but I have faith there will be a light at the end! Will miss not seeing you this weekend!



Thanks for the kinds words & support! I did need the extra sleep last week. Feeling a bit more energized now.


TLM, Thanks - and thanks for reading all the posts over the last 13 months!


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