Time is always of the essence for me since I am always running late. This week is no exception. Having just returned from Blissdom, with sick kids at home and work due this week, I decided it was time for another 7 Links Challenge, as inspired by ProBlogger. The last time I did this was the week I returned from BlogHer back in August. So, it seems appropriate to do this exercise again. Check out those links at Jet Lag Excuses: 7 Links Challenge. I changed the topics somewhat this time.
Post About Motherly Law/Anna
14 Reasons to Read (& Love) Motherly Law. This one is self-explanatory. Read it and hopefully you will want to stick around and learn more about Motherly Law.
Post I Enjoyed Writing
The Blanket: An Unexpected Gift. This post is warm and fuzzy like my blanket. I felt inspired to write this in December. It's full of powerful memories and emotions from my pre-teen years.
Post that was Difficult to Write {for no apparent reason}
Celebrating Christmas: The Plastic Reindeer Rule; Analysis of Lynch v. Donnelly. I think this post was difficult to write because I have always loved this vein of caselaw and wanted to the readers to enjoy it too. I think it's interesting and entertaining.
Most Searched and Read Post on a Daily Basis
Getting Over the Shock: How to Handle Being Bullied as an Adult. I was surprised by the number of reads on this post right off the bat. And I have been astonished at the number of searched each day regarding adult bullies. It was a very difficult time in my life, and it saddens me to know how many other adults are going through the same thing.
Post with a Great Title
Striking a Balance: Tips for Effective Decision Making. When I went back through the titles of the last 6 months I was struck by how many titles I really did like, but this one wins the crown this time.
Post I Wish More People Would have Read
When Staying Isn’t an Option: Tips for Identifying an Abuser and Leaving an Abusive Relationship. This post is about domestic violence. I think many of my regular readers disregarded this post because of the subject matter; thinking it didn't pertain to them, so there was no reason to read it. But I beg to differ. The information could help a friend, loved one or stranger down the road. So, if you haven't already, please read it.
Link to a Great Online Writer
Heather King of The Extraordinary Ordinary Blog. We had a bit of a misunderstanding recently, but we both {over-explained} ourselves and feel better about everything now. Heather has a beautiful, fluid, candid way of writing interesting, totally relatable stories about everyday happenings, hence the extraordinary ordinary. Get to know her, you'll like her.
The Scoop
Check out these titles and any others you may have missed. Let me know your thoughts, feelings and questions about these and other topics. I would love to hear from you. This week I plan to randomly choose a few business cards from the great pile I collected at Blissdom and introduce you to a few new blogs. I promise to get back to the law next week. Over and out...
Hope the kids get better soon. Sorry they are sick.Give them a hug from Sassy.
Posted by: Sally Motl | Tuesday, February 01, 2011 at 07:57 AM