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Thursday, February 03, 2011


This post is hitting home. I cried through that whole video. For some reason I am so emotional about this subject and have felt so much pressure since moving to Colorado. Pressure to start my kids early (or they will be behind), pressure to have them take spanish at the age of 4, pressure to check out every school within a 40 mile radius to find the "best" one. How did I get like this? Thanks for helping me take a step back.

I wish I could go to the EP screening! As I've considered homeschooling M, the issues brought up in the trailer are some of the things I have thought about. I want him to learn deeply, not just learn enough to pass tests. I want him to love learning and know how to pursue the knowledge he wants and needs, not just sit passively and learn what he has to learn to pass the endless standardized tests public schools are forced to administer.
Sorry, getting off my soapbox now...


The video is inspiring and heartwrenching at the same time! I'm sorry you are feeling this pressure. You, as the parent, know your children best and will make the right decision for your children.
Did you check to see if there is a screening of Race to Nowhere nearby? Miss you!


Kelly, you make great points! Please, stay on your soapbox, this is the kind of information the education system of our country needs to hear. Everywhere I turn, I hear parents voicing the same concerns and contemplating homeschooling their children. I emailed you too.
Thanks for reading and thanks for the comment. Can you come to the Waldorf School screening on Feb 17th?


Anna, there is lots of buzz in Colorado around this film. There is a group of moms going to the film in March at a local elementary school. Will be anxious to dish after I see it. Thanks for the info.

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