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Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Great post today! What I liked most about this one is how the representative, although not one of mine, used his guest post. In his spotlight, he encouraged people to get in touch with him, to let him know what was affecting them and their families. He didn’t utilize it to explain a position of his or ask us to understand anything that he believed in. Rather, it was re-affirming why he was in service and asking how he can help.

I’m not shy about contacting my senators or representatives. I encourage friends and family to do the same. Change can only happen if you make it happen. Wishing, complaining or wanting will not provide the same results as action.

gl bour, yes, I agree. And it's true if you do nothing about changing a law or position or even voting, you aren't entitled to whine or complain about this issue; in my opinion. Thanks for reading and commenting.


Yeah, Annie! Great post.

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