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Sunday, January 30, 2011


I can't imagine myself *fitting in* or enjoying one of these larger conferences...
I have a hard enough time saying hello to all of the folks locally that I want to when we all get together here...there's never enough time to visit with everyone I want to, etc -
Investing so much time and money on a bigger conference, with the chance of feeling, um, less than 100% about it - it's just not for me right now -
Welcome home!

Well said Anna! I had many of these same feelings this week. Expectations, hopes, interactions, and emotions can all collide at events like Blissdom. I am delighted to count you as a friend! (I hope your hotel that last night was ok! :) )

Great post, Anna! I would describe myself as most of those things too (except the Northern stuff!) :)
I am so blessed that I was lucky enough to meet such a cool person this week at Blissdom. You rock!

I so enjoyed meeting you and your stories! I do hope you decide to come next year so we can get together again.

This is great! So glad you became my Blissdom buddy! And you're welcome for the comic relief on Friday night, I still think it was all my fault! HA!

I'm so thankful you are a blogger. With out blogging I would have never have had the pleasure of meeting you! I would also add funny, kind and encouraging to your list...

So glad to count you as friend~
~Chris Ann


I think you would do well. You are always good about chatting with people! Thanks for reading!



Thanks for the comment. These conferences are difficult to navigate and find the right place to be and people to be with, but I have been glad I have gone to both BlogHer and Blissdom!

I'm so glad you had an inspiring experience (I saw you tweet that!)

Hope to see you soon! You are always such a blessing to me!

Thanks, Anna

Thanks, Joanna! You rock too! It was such fun meeting you and hanging out with you. Thanks for reading!

Heather, You made me laugh so much! You are so funny & I love your laugh! If I come again, we will definitely hang out again!

Thanks, Anna

Kristina! Friday night would have ended in tears rather than laughter if you had not been with me! Thank you so much!


oh Chris Ann - you are too kind yourself! You are just such a lovely person. I feel the same about you! Hope to see you soon!


I just want to know if you got it signed off with Kristina to use her face on your page. I may have to check my Legal Workshop notes to see if that's okay :)

I LOVED meeting you, too, and you'd better come back. I know three ladies who'll be crying in their red wine if you don't!


Thanks for checking with me, but I did get Kristina's OK! :)Glad you learned something from the sessions! I would love to come back to Nashville for any reason!


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