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Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Anna,the pictures were great.Are there any of the whole family?


I love all the new pictures! They are great! You have a great looking family and you and your boys look so happy! It was fun connecting "IRL" at the last MNBlogPantry event at Fox 9. I look forward to connecting again.


Thanks for the comment and your kind words. The boys did a great job with erin and i photo. They really warmed up to Erin and Andi when they saw how fun and silly the photogs were.

It was great to meet you at Fox 9. I look forward to the next time I get to see you IRL!

Thanks, Anna

You're definitely really, really cute. See you tomorrow.

Thank you so much! See you very soon!

I loved seeing these photos. Your boys are growing up so fast and they look so much alike to me. Thanks for sharing!

Anna great photos my me want to see you all now

Handsome boys!!!

the photos look GREAT!!! i will need some copies once they are developed!

Hey Anna!!! I have been a lurker for awhile and have so enjoyed the blog. And to think I knew you before you were famous. Beautiful family!!! What happened to Will's hair??? :)

Oh, Anna - so beautiful! And it's funny, seeing your hubby I felt like I almost recognized him - like, yep, that's exactly what Anna's hubby should look like. ;)

Have so much fun at Blissdom, love, and let's play when you get back.

Great shots! Thanks for sharing them!

Thanks, Elle! That's so funny that you thought that! We for sure need to set a playdate!


Thanks Robin! I just love the shots of the boys. I thought erin and i photo did a great job capturing the boys' personalities!


I finally looked back and found your photos. They are great, Anna. Ezra looks so grown up! The location looks super, too. Where did you go to have them taken?

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