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Thursday, January 27, 2011


How sweet! Enjoy your time at Blissdom.

Agreed. As someone who prefers writing to chatting, thanks for introducing yourself today!

Abby. @ diaryofanewmom.net

aw, the rose is so sweet.

Some bloggers wouldn't have met such an awesomely cool blogger as yourself had they not started blogging!!
And some people are good at giving directions to lost bloggers in hotels....just sayin.

So glad I've gotten to know you this year!! You are so fun!

~Chris Ann


Thanks you so much for your sweet tweets and supportive words! You have no idea how much it has meant to me to have someone hours and hours away whom I have never met encouraging me!

Thanks, Anna


It was lovely to meet you. I'm glad I introduced myself to you too!

It's always comforting to find out I'm not the only exhausted mom with 2 spirited boys! I will tweet you the name of the book we discussed.

Thanks, Anna

Thanks, Jen! I have sweet Darling Boys!


Thank you, Chris Ann! I adore you! You are sweet, funny and genuine! {even if you are bit directionally challenged} :)

Glad you are here with me!

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