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Wednesday, December 08, 2010


Sobering thoughts in this time of "merry making". We all hope that someone in need of this valuable information and encouragement reads this post and acts to change his or her life and that of the families involved. And may God bless and protect them!! Thanks for thinking of the abused at this time when incidents are increased.

Thanks for your comment, TLM. I hope someone finds this post helpful.


Thank you Anna for this very, very important post. My courageous mother left an extremely abusive relationship when I was 12 and my brother was 3. You're right in saying that leaving won't solve all the problems but will be a "step to safety and normalcy." 16 years later, I can say that we've all arrived and are happily settled into normal. I hope that other courageous victims will use the advice you've compiled so that they can too can become survivors.

Thank you for sharing, Emily. I'm glad you and your family survived and are doing well now. I do hope that it will reach and help at least one person in need of direction. This post is by no means a "be all and end of" of information regarding abusive relationships, but meant as a starting point for getting help or getting out.

Thanks for reading and commenting, Anna

My two year marriage was very abusive. The divorce is finally finalized (two weeks ago), but the stalking continues. I'm tired of living in fear and my little girl has panic attacks. January is stalking awareness month: http://www.stalkingawarenessmonth.org/

However, I'm finding scarce resources or support. Any suggestions?

Tracy, I sent you an email regarding info on resources. Thanks so much for tipping me off on stalking awareness month. You can see I followed your lead. Please email me with more specifics regarding the types of resources you are looking for in your state.

Thanks, Anna

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