This last week of 2010 I'm highlighting the top read posts based on searches. The Motherly Law post with the most searches is Last Will and Testament: Why It's So Important for a Parent and How to Get One of Your Very Own.
Last Wishes
This is a most important subject, and I'm glad to know it's an issue on the minds of those who have yet to get their last wishes down on paper; or on the minds of those dealing with their parent's or grandparent's wills or lack thereof; or perhaps on the minds of those wishing to change something in a will... Here are a few searches which have led people to the last will and testament post:
- "funny stories about last wills and testaments"
- "can you change last will and testament after father's death"
- "can a conversation make a last will and testament"
- "are last wishes without a will legally binding"
- "does a last will and testament have to be followed"
- "considering kids with wills"
- "last will and testament for traveling parents"
- "last will and testament. I don't want my child to get any money"
- "last will and testament how to make sure it's carried out"
- "how to ensure visitation rights in a will"
Some queries make me chuckle; some make me wonder; and some concern me, like #8. Sometimes the meaning of the search is obscure and other times it's quite clear. When I read #7 I think of parents who travel around to different kids; like a traveling circus or traveling carnival. And #9, well, the thing about a last will and testament is that if and when it's carried out, you're no longer around to ensure it's properly carried out. However, the very nature of a last will and testament is that your wishes will be carried out when you die as you intended and provided in the will. If, the person meant "how do I ensure that someone knows I have a last will and testament and knows where it's located at the time of my death," then the answer is, have your attorney keep a copy at his or her office; keep a copy yourself; and be sure to tell a spouse, a child or other confidant where you keep it.
Have you gotten your last wishes in writing and your estate in order? If not, take a look at this post and the related links below. This post is one that I will be expounding upon in a Motherly Law Year in Review post in March. So, stay tuned for more about Last Wills and Testaments.
The Scoop
Tomorrow I will highlight another often searched subject. Since I decided to take off the entire Christmas weekend, I will summarize the last Sunday Spotlight Article and post a new article next weekend. Thanks to those who have commented thus far. I've gotten a number of great, very opinionated comments on this article; keep 'em coming!
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It's interesting to see some of the searches. Of these #2 interests me the most. It makes you wonder what role the person doing the search played.
Keep up the great work! I looking forward to seeing the other posts that were the most searched.
Posted by: Chuck | Monday, December 27, 2010 at 09:30 AM