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Wednesday, December 29, 2010


i'm really glad to see a post directly discouraging leaving children in a car - thank you for putting this out there! it seems so perfectly common sense but it was only a couple of months ago that, while out with my toddler daughter i came across 2 young children left alone in a mini van. i called the police & before they had a chance to arrive, the mother came back (she had been gone 10 minutes since i found the car.) upon my asking, she told me that her kids were 2 years & 6 months old. when i explained that leaving kids that age alone in a car, she scoffed at me and told me it was fine. when i told her someone could steal the car, or her kids could choke or be otherwise hurt in her absence, she told me "i locked the doors. my kids are perfectly fine. thanks for your concern" and sped away...

the police arrived a couple of minutes later, and after getting the plate number for me, did take off to see if they could track her down (the 6 month old was in a forward-facing toddler car seat & the 2 year old did not have a carseat & wasn't belted.) i mention that because apparently in washington state, it is ONLY illegal to leave your kids unattended in a car if the car is actually running, or if there are extreme temperatures. so technically what she did was perfectly legal within the law, other than the car seat issues. seems so crazy to me, but apparently it's the sad truth...

i don't even leave my daughter in the car to go 10 feet away - nor would i even risk standing outside the car with it running while talking. i don't take ANY chances, and i hope people become more diligent about this issue as time goes on.



I appreciate your steadfast loyalty to child safety issues. I get so many searches for this issue. I am amazed how many times this post continues to be read. I only hope that it can save the life of at least one child by educating parents and caregivers of the dangers of leaving a child unattended in a vehicle regardless of the amount of time or temperature or location.
Thanks, Anna

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