I know many of you voted in the general election yesterday, proudly sporting your "I Voted" stickers, as I did. In the spirit of the election season, I have another "ballot" for you; the Motherly Law Survey. No research about any candidates necessary. These are questions you could answer in your sleep. And as a sleep-deprived working mom, I ought to know.
It's a quick and painless, 10 question anonymous survey. Your answers will help me get to know my audience better, enabling me to continue to provide content you are enthusiastic about and to tailor Motherly Law's features to your needs and interests.
The Survey
It's Kind to Share
While I don't have any stickers to give out, if you have a website you could grab my Motherly Law Button, located on the top right side of this site, or you could share with your friends that you took the ML survey by tweeting about it and/or posting it on FB (that would be much appreciated).
New Readers
If you are new to Motherly Law and wondering if this is a site you should bookmark (the answer is definitely yes, by the way), please read my About page and the 14 Reasons to Read (& Love) Motherly Law.
The Scoop
Tomorrow I will post the best ways to contact your state and federal representatives. Over and out...
Here are a few of the most read posts:
We're Not Gonna Take It: Anti-Bullying Laws Leaving Kids Unprotected
The Right to Bear Arms in Your Home: McDonald v. City of Chicago