The Darling Boys and I went to vote this afternoon. Darling 1's favorite part was that I voted in the gym of the school, and that he got to ride his bike to vote. Darling 2's favorite part was seeing all the school buses lined up waiting for the school kids. And they both liked getting the sticker.
Have you voted yet? Was your polling place busy? Ours was fairly busy.
Mid-term elections typically have a much lower turnout. The word is that if there is a lower overall turnout today the Republicans will fare better. This could be good news or bad news, depending on which camp you are in.
I will be monitoring the numbers tonight. Will you? Or will you just check the headlines on Wednesday?
Watch for a Motherly Law Survey tomorrow. I will post a tips and websites post on Thursday this week. Go vote! Over and out...
Yes, I voted and there was light turnout at the time I voted. I will be watching for the voting results tonight with interest.
Posted by: TLM | Tuesday, November 02, 2010 at 07:23 PM