To maintain a joyful family requires much from both the parents and the children. Each member of the family has to become, in a special way, the servant of the others.
~Pope John Paul II
This may sound as if it goes against every tenet of parenting, but I understand what the Pope is getting at in this statement. It's important that the parents are respectful, kind, grateful, compassionate and forgiving to each other and to the children, thereby teaching the children to do the same. This isn't easy, especially if you're an intense person and have intense children (not that I know anything about that), but it's something to strive for as a family.
It's Friday…. Go eat some chocolate. It's good for you, and you deserve it!
Nota Bene: I hold these truths to be self-evident, that all parents and kids are not created equally, but are wholly individual in personality and style. Regardless of these differences, the basic needs of love, patience and support remain constant. Here are the weekly affirmations, tips and reminders. Unless otherwise noted, these are entirely my opinion. Take them with a grain of salt, or not!