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Tuesday, July 06, 2010


As a hunter and someone who has been around firearms his entire life, be it for sport or hunting, I'm a proponent the right to own firearms for sport or hunting. But I have never understood the fight to keep guns for self-defense, or to defend your home, especially to consider it a "fundamental right."

Great post! Because of my dear hubby's profession, we have to have a gun in our house. Our girls know about it and know that it's part of his uniform and what he needs it for and the dangers of it. We're planning on doing what a friend of ours did to drive the lesson home a little more - he took his son out shooting and put a big, plastic bottle of ketchup on the fence post. Then, he shot the bottle. He led his son out to the shattered bottle and told him to put the bottle back together while he grabbed something out of the truck. When he came back, his son's hands were covered in ketchup and the bottle was still in pieces. He then had a conversation about how shooting something can do permanent, irreversible damage. I always thought that was pretty good way to get the point made to a child.

Wow - that is a powerful image! That even leaves a strong visual with me just reading it. I love that idea, especially if there are guns in the home for any purpose. Thanks so much for you comment. I appreciate it.

Thanks, Anna

Thanks for the comment. I appreciate you viewpoint as a hunter and sportsman who does not advocate for handguns for protection in one's home. I agree with you, but understand there are many opinions out there. This is a hot button issue!

Thanks for taking the time to read and comment!

What a great idea, Shannon! And good topic, Anna.

Growing up I found my dad's shot gun in his closet, it drew me in but then got scared by it. I dated a number of guys who took me shooting, but it was never my thing. When I had my son I went out of my way to make sure he didn't have a gun toy for many years but then out of no where he was making Legos into guns. So I took this as an opportunity to explain that guns are serious, toys or not, and tried explaining what gun safety tips I actually knew. Now he can play guns but he usually won't shoot it at people (every once in a while he does, but he assures me they are the bad guys then), Obviously I couldn't stop it so I tried to make the best of it.

Shannon, that is a great way to teach that lesson, and something I'll keep in mind for when my son is older.

@Anna: I enjoyed this post (and others, I'm a bit of a lurker). It really is a hot-button topic, one that people are very opinionated on. I appreciated your neutral storytelling. :)

Mayor Daley sites horror stories of people who were hurt by guns in his town as a reason to ban guns. He fails to point out that these happened under his watch and his austere rules, that failed to protect them. Perhaps some might have been spared if they were not perceived as unarmed and helpless. The shooters might have thought better of it and held there fire. It seems that the criminals weren’t too impressed with the Mayer’s rules as Chicago murders are almost universally committed using supposedly banned guns, wielded by those who cannot lawfully posses them. Wolves attack sheep not bears. No one knows how many crimes have been deterred by the perception (real or imagined) that the intended victim can return aggression in kind. No criminal wants a confrontation on equal terms. They strike from a position of advantage.

The Sheppard lost a lamb to the wolf so he got a dog. The dogs teeth were no sharper nor its bit more vicious than the wolf but the wolf would rather go hungry than face them.

Criminals are immune to gun laws. The primary problem with all gun laws is the very people they are aimed at are those least likely to follow them. The penalties for gun possession pale in comparison and are insignificant to those for the much greater affiances they have committed when caught. Many gun confiscations from criminals are as a result of unlawful searches and not prosecutable. Thus the deterrent is small compared to the perceived utility.

Criminals must have guns to stay in business or run the risk of losing their ill-gotten gains and there life to yet another criminal. Predators are themselves preyed upon by stronger meaner predators. Remember they also make the best victims as they are not going to call 911 and usually have something worth steeling. They need to intimidate or kill witnesses and victims. Would you turn it or testify against a criminal in his prime to whom you have no defense against. I think not. He may have friends, relatives, employees or fellow gang members. He might even get out and thank you personally for giving evidence against him. It takes but a single dog amongst the sheep to deter the wolf.

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