Our world is getting smaller all the time. On a daily basis, I communicate with people in Canada, the East Coast, the West Coast and everywhere in between all thanks to the ever present social media community. Because of these media outlets like Twitter and Facebook, people from around the globe can and do read my blog and millions of other blogs. It's really incredible to think about it. People are now able to express themselves through writing, photography, art, cooking, etc., and at the same time reach out to others with similar stories, goals, theories, questions; sometimes touching millions. The opportunities are limitless in this new sphere.
Last week, attorney Danielle G. Van Ess found Motherly Law through the social media community. She is Massachusetts. I am in Minnesota. We have never met, and we do not have any common acquaintances. Nonetheless, we have been emailing back and forth, and have discovered we have a lot in common. She, like me, is not only an attorney, but also a wife and a mom (to three little ones). We are both night owls. We both have cats. We both are striving to develop our careers as attorneys, yet spend as much time as possible raising our kids and being moms, which means spending much of our time working after the sun goes down and the kids are in bed.
Danielle has developed a solo practice in which she focuses on estate planning, residential real estate and adoption. She understands the issues facing young families. As a part of her practice, Danielle blogs about these issues: from wills and trusts to 529 College Savings Plans to long term care for aging parents, and much more. While Danielle hails from Massachusetts and adds specific state information to most of her posts the general topics and gist of the laws are relevant to all.
Since I have declared this the "Best of" week and my wills and trusts post came in 2nd on the survey, I thought I would link to Danielle's recent post: "What's the Best Way to Leave Our Children Their Inheritance?" She has great information about various options and the difference between testamentary trusts and revocable living trusts. You can also go back and read my post on the importance of having a will and trust, tips for getting your estate in order, estate planning for your special needs child and check out the supplementary estate planning document.
Please leave Danielle a comment and let her know you found her through Motherly Law. She has lots of great posts. So, take some time and peruse her site or bookmark it for later. You can also find Danielle on Twitter and Facebook. As always, feel free to leave me comments too. You know where to find me. Tune in tomorrow for the winner of the "Best of" Wednesday Tips and Websites Post. Over and out…